As a company our goal is to offer our clients and end users the best possible superior products which they will be proud to call their own. Our philosophy has been and always will be to exceed the expectations of our customers.

Our corporate culture and service are focused in core values namely teamwork, respect for all people and cultures, safety, corporate citizenship, innovation and total customer satisfaction. It is with these core values together with the caliber and professionalism of our staff, who share in the values of the Company, which make us unique.

Project Name: Construction of Community Library
Client: Change Her World (NGO)
Location: Chilumba - Karonga District
Construction of Community Library
Project Name: House Maintenance
Client: Ministry of Lands
Location: Mzuzu City
Ministry of Lands House Maintainance
Project Name: Prefabricated structure (Office)
Client: DODMA
Location: Karonga and Salima Districts
Prefabricated Office Project

November 2023 the client (DoDMA) came on the project site after we reported to have successfully finished the project to witnesses and certify the completion. They left satisfied and certified it with no objections. And left a word of thanks to show their appreciation. We also humbly say thanks to procurement committee for trusting us. It's a Prefabricated office. We have built various prefabricated structures in Salima, Karonga and more.


an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Experts in Construction

You didn’t come this far to stop



P. O Box 50, Karonga, Malawi

Phone Number
+265 995650428

+265 882500960


We will help you build from the ground up!

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